

sun bears 

down on the 


dazzling even 

the yachts that 


The bioluminescent 

algae recharge their 


in the 

waning sunlight in 


for a 

still evening. Perfect 


for a 

tidal rave.

Haiku #178

The river was still-
A pane of glass that would
Shatter upon touch.

Yet, the sky crept down
To probe the water awake.
So the river stirred

Restlessly, and then
Lifted itself into the
Warm air and was free.


Balsamic vignettes #20


The beach has been super dumpy of late, but today, the water was crystal clear and the waves had just enough excitement for us. We ducked and dived under them as they crashed, and we floated peacefully over their crests. We tirelessly treaded water, then we beached ourselves and soaked up the summer sun.

Nouvelle Caledonie

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I think I had a tiny obsession with waves and blue waters when I was in New Caledonia.

The water was absolutely stunning- such a surreal blue. I couldn’t contain my excitement. The sparkles on the water, the gentle waves from the tender boats (how appropriately named!).

I am the ocean.

I am the ocean. I am both deep and shallow. I am both dangerous and nurturing. I am both boring and calm. On the surface, I can be serene, while my undercurrents pull like a riptide. On the surface, I can crash and boom, while my undercurrents could be non existent. I can have submerged rocks, yet ripple on the surface. I can be dark, I can be blue, I can reflect the beauty of a sunset, I can lure unwary sailors, I can lose momentum. I can dry up, I can rage. I can flow with such a surging life force and I can trickle through crevices, seep through rocks.